Telecoms: to infinity and beyond!

Peter Terry-Brown, General Manager, Positioning and Timing Business Unit, Spirent, discusses the current state of the telecommunications industry and explains that its future lies skyward – exploring the possibilities of satellite-based telecommunications and a corresponding shrinking of earthbound telecoms infrastructure.

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Dealing with downtime costs

James Hodge, GVP & Chief Strategy Advisor at Splunk, discusses the findings of the company’s recent ‘Hidden Costs of Downtime’ report – which identifies not just the financial cost of downtime - $400 billion annually – but also the damage done to shareholder value, brand reputation, innovation velocity and customer trust. The report also identifies a group of resilience leaders, and James shares the strategies which these organisations deploy to minimise downtime occurrences and their impact.

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AI adoption projects are ‘investment roulette’

Ian Stendera, Chief Product Officer, Ardoq, discusses the company’s recently published Emerging Technology Adoption 2024 Report, explaining the ways in which CIOs see developments such as AI as both a risk and opportunity. He provides some great insights into the size of the task facing organisations as they seek to adopt new technologies, as well as providing advice on how best to optimise the chances of project success.

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Towards faster, simpler and more secure authentication

Jonathan Craymer, FRSA, President & Founder, Shayype Solutions Ltd, discusses the problems with many if not all of the current authentication technologies and solutions available on the market, before explaining how the Shayype authentication engine has been developed to take the one time passcode to the next, secure level. Jonathan believes that users deserve better than the current authentication offerings, and is confident that Shayype should be a key pillar of any organisation’s comprehensive authentication strategy.

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Human-centred software design – mind the gap!

Sara Faatz, Director, Technology Community Relations at Progress, discusses the importance of human-centred software design, with the company’s recent survey revealing that, while nearly all organisations recognise its value, there’s a big gap between intent and action. Sara examines the reasons behind this disparity and shares some valuable insights as to how organisations can ensure that they optimise human-centric digital experiences for their entire ecosystem.

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AI and security are CIOs’ top priorities

Toby Alcock discusses the company’s 10th annual CIO Report, which highlights the many challenges facing CIOs as they seek to deliver the IT infrastructure required to underpin organisations’ digital transformation journeys. Cybersecurity and AI might be described as the ‘usual suspects when it comes to the main challenges identified in the report, but CIOs are also focused on connectivity issues, skills shortages and the need for a coherent and comprehensive, company-wide digital vision.

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GenAI looms large on the cybersecurity landscape

James Hodge, GVP & Chief Strategy Advisor at Splunk and a member of TechUK AI Committee, discusses the findings of the recent “State of Security 2024: The Race to Harness AI” global research report – in particular, the impact of GenAI on cybersecurity – both the good and the bad.

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Caution - playing the GenAI long game pays dividends

Eric Johnson, Chief Information Officer at PagerDuty, discusses the findings of the company’s recent Generative AI survey, explaining how many organisations remain mistrustful and nervous of the technology, to the extent that they may well have paused usage in order to establish guidelines and policies, while understanding that, if they do not deploy GenAI, they risk falling behind their competitors. Eric provides some excellent advice to help end users understand how best to make a success of GenAI and to avoid getting caught up in the hype.

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Gap opens up between digital trust leaders and laggards

Mike Nelson, Global VP of Digital Trust at DigiCert, discusses the findings of the company’s 2024 State of Digital Trust Survey, explaining that digital trust leaders enjoy higher revenue, better digital innovation and higher employee productivity, are better prepared for the post-quantum world and well positioned to take advantage of the benefits of IoT. Mike also explains how organisations outside the leaders’ group can set about improving their digital trust posture.

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AI - the good, the bad and the ugly

Chris Coward, Director of Project Management, BCS, offers a refreshingly honest view of the ways in which AI is likely to impact the data centre industry over time. He shares some great insights as to how BCS plans to harness the technology for the benefit of the company’s partner ecosystem – with a particular emphasis on ensuring that AI delivers better results and experiences for its supply chain partners, employees and the end customers alike.

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ESG climbs the corporate agenda

Henrik Sandin, Director & Principal ESG Specialist at Workiva, discusses the findings of the company’s recent ESG Practitioner Survey, covering the impending EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the need for both integrated ESG reporting and assurance, the technology and mindsets needed to transform reporting processes and the roles that both AI and companies such as Workiva can play in helping ESG practitioners develop successful, business-winning ESG strategies.

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Organisations need to become ‘data ready’

Libby Duane Adams, Chief Advocacy Officer and Co-Founder at Alteryx, believes that businesses can’t afford to fall behind in their AI and data strategy – they must accelerate it to stay ahead of the curve and crucially, navigate a turbulent economic environment. However, AI and data can’t just sit in the office space held by the IT team. Companies on this journey must break down silos and get people together: that’s where the power truly begins.

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Tech Channel Ambassadors set to tackle IT skills gap

Ian Kilpatrick, former EVP of Nuvias and the driving force behind the newly established Tech Channel Ambassadors, explains the thinking behind the organisation – a new Community Interest Company (CIC) created to promote the channel IT industry, and to bolster inclusivity in the sector. Tech Channel Ambassadors aims to raise awareness of career opportunities across the IT channel to those in education, those returning to employment, and those looking to change career, including, but not limited to, career opportunities for girls, BAME, disabled, neurodiverse and disadvantaged groups.

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Skills shortage drives increase in IT investment, automation and outsourcing

Alex Hoff, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Auvik, discusses the results of the company’s recent IT Trends 2024 Industry Report, which explains how the ongoing skills shortage is shaping IT investment decisions, with increased automation and outsourcing two key trends, alongside continued cloud and security spending. Alex also highlights the disjoint between the C-Suite and IT practitioners when it comes to identifying and addressing IT challenges and opportunities, sharing some great insights as to the best way forward for both MSPs and their customers.

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5G stands (alone) ready to be unleashed

Stephen Douglas, Head of Market Strategy at Spirent, discusses the company’s 5th annual 5G outlook report, which finds that 5G Standalone (SA) market is picking up significant speed, alongside similar interest activity in terms of private 5G. Stephen offers some great insights into what’s going on in the 5G market right now and how he sees it developing over time.

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Forms partnership with Midas, Centersquare and Castrol.

Expert Opinions

By Jamie Hutton, CTO and Co-founder of Quantexa.
By Paul Scott, Chief Technical Officer at Matrix Booking.
By Tod Higinbotham, COO, ZincFive.