Oxford Ionics’ breakthrough promises ‘useful’ quantum computing within three years

Dr Chris Ballance, co-founder and CEO of Oxford Ionics, explains how the company has developed and proven the building blocks of a high-performance, scalable quantum computer, and has also demonstrated that its quantum chips can be produced at scale in a standard semiconductor factory. Chris says that its chip provides over twice the performance of previous world records - achieved without using error correction – detailing why he believes that useful quantum computers are now within touching distance.

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High-tech innovation - making access easier

Xavier Gaillard, Milexia CEO, outlines the company’s very ambitious growth target to double sales over five years, explaining how this will be achieved through a mixture of acquisitions, partnership development and the introduction of new technology solutions and services. Xavier also provides some insight as to how Milexia is helping the semiconductor industry supply chain adjust to life post-Covid.

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Expert Opinions

By Sammy Zoghlami, SVP EMEA at Nutanix.
By Sara Wilkes, CEO at Agilitas IT Solutions.
By James Moore, VP EMEA Sales at DoiT International.
By Ian Tickle, SVP and GM International at Freshworks.