Helping users identify OpenStack Cloud-ready infrastructure vendors

Mirantis’ and marketplaces now feature web dashboards listing infrastructure vendors interoperable with OpenStack Cloud Platform.

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Tech giants drive the agenda at Cloud World Forum

Technology giants, Intel, Oracle, HP, Dell, Google and Microsoft are among the industry elite converging in London next month for the sixth annual Cloud World Forum event. The conference and exhibition provides the perfect platform to explore the transformation of the IT industry by Cloud computing.

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More than half of European IT managers don't fully trust US Cloud

Perspecsys, a leader in enterprise cloud data protection, has revealed a continental cloud divide between the U.S. and Europe, based on data findings from a study it conducted at the InfoSec Europe Conference. Perspecsys surveyed 117 IT professionals to determine that more than half (62%) of organizations believe using a European-based cloud is easier from a regulatory and compliance perspective. More than half (51%) of respondents even claimed that they do not fully trust U.S.-based clouds....

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Findings show there is an expectation gap between expected benefits of the public cloud and what...
MSPs are being squeezed by more demanding customers, having to provide a wider range of services...
Cloud adoption is in full swing, with the latest IDG data showing that 73% of enterprises have at...
Retrospect has introduced Retrospect Backup 18.5, featuring new anomaly detection, customizable...
With cloud computing firmly entrenched in current IT operations, organisations are turning their...
Unique dual-region strategy, sustainability, and next-generation cloud architecture help customers...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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