Putting back-office and front-office together in the cloud

IBM’s Bluemix open cloud platform gets additional tools aimed at helping developers integrate front-end user engagement apps with the all-important back-office systems of record that are the heart and soul of every business

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The hot new technology to take “cloud” computing to the next level

Society’s ever-increasing demands for information and data storage are to be the focus of a new centre for training researchers who will seek to develop innovative laser technology to take “cloud” computing to the next level.

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Vello Systems adds data centre and Cloud Services partners

Vello Systems has added six partners in key global markets to meet service provider and enterprise demand for the company’s customer-defined networking software solutions.

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Selective recovery is already under way in the tech M&A market. But the targets are tending to be...
Nearly one in five (18%) IT directors in manufacturing say all their organisation’s IT...
Hitachi Data Systems Corporation is to acquire oXya, a leading provider of services for cloud and...
Centralised cloud, data centers, network in EU, U.S. and Japan regions enable rapid, flexible...
Software veteran appointed to support EMEA growth.
Analysis of cloud adoption across councils, public bodies, universities and emergency services...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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