Studie zum Safer Internet Day: Reine Lippenbekenntnisse? Die Deutschen und die Datensicherheit

Befragte sorgen sich um Sicherheit persönlicher Daten, ändern ihr Verhalten aber nicht / Zwei Drittel halten ihre Passwörter für sicher

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Hogarth Worldwide erweitert mit Level 3 transkontinentales Content Sharing sowie die Sicherheit und Speicherung von Werbeinhalten

Das zum WPP-Konzern gehörende Unternehmen wählt Level 3 um seinen Produktionsteams den Austausch und die Lokalisierung von mehreren Terabytes an Video- und anderen Digitalinhalten zu ermöglichen

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TDAzlan expands

TDAzlan, the value-added enterprise distribution arm of Tech Data UK, has extended the reach of its state-of-the-art Business Solutions Centre (BSC) in Birmingham to its offices in Heathrow, with further extensions to Warrington, London and Basingstoke planned for the near future.

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25% of mid-market companies don’t even have basic anti-virus protection.
New working groups formed to secure adjacent technologies that are critical for end-to-end identity...
Seven start-ups, focusing on online security issues and threats, will join the new GCHQ Cyber...
Der Datacenter-Switch Dell Networking S6000 bietet eine doppelt so hohe 10/40-GbE-Portdichte bei...
Malware, insecure networks, and remote access top list of concerns as organisations embracing home...
IBM Security has published the results of its annual study examining the financial impact of data...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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