Essex County Council chooses Fujitsu for £16.6m IT transformation project

Fujitsu has secured a deal with Essex County Council to transform its Corporate Systems estate. Under the terms of the contract, Fujitsu will implement a fully integrated and modernised ERP environment that also delivers enhanced functionality to retained legacy applications. The project supports the Council’s long-term financial strategy to save at least £235m over the next three years while helping it to become more operationally efficient and expand the services it can offer to...

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Tech Data promotes Andy Gass

Tech Data says that Andy Gass will become Managing Director UK and Ireland, after spending the past two years fulfilling the role of SVP, South and West Europe. He will continue to be a member of Tech Data’s European Executive Board reporting to Nestor Cano.

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Das Netzwerk als Business Enabler:Cloud-basierte Sicherheitslösungen machen’s möglich

Internetsicherheit ist in den letzten Jahren immer mehr zu einem beweglichen Ziel geworden. Das macht den Job eines IT-Sicherheitsverantwortlichen nicht einfacher. Neuartige Bedrohungen, Social Media im Unternehmen und nicht zuletzt der mobile „always-on“-Mitarbeiter bringen traditionelle statische Sicherheitslösungen an der Netzwerkperipherie an ihr Limit. Nicht selten wird unter Druck, unmittelbar auf eine aktuelle Bedrohung, ein Datenleck oder einen Compliance-Fall reagiert....

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Get chooses Proact

Get services and equipment which have been outsourced to a third party up to now are being brought back in-house. This will save money and ensure that Get’s customers can enjoy even more robust services. Proact is the company’s preferred advisor and service provider for its new strategy. Get has made a decision relating to services and equipment currently outsourced to a third-party service provider, bringing them back in-house to enhance its competitiveness and ensure greater...

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Logicalis completes IT overhaul for Birmingham City University

Logicalis has completed a comprehensive IT infrastructure overhaul for Birmingham City University. The project, which commenced in 2012, included the design and deployment of two onsite data centres, wired and wireless network for staff and students, and the rollout of Cisco Unified Communications Manager for 4000 users. The project, part of the University’s £180 million investment in new facilities, will provide an agile IT architecture to support long-term innovation and evolving...

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Despite the rise of high-profile IoT botnet attacks Mirai and Reaper, nearly half of...
McAfee MVISION Cloud Native Application Protection Platform delivers comprehensive data protection,...
CrowdStrike has unveiled a series of new customer offerings and partnerships during the fifth...
Creates the world’s only cybersecurity platform aligning the entire security lifecycle to the...
Worldwide spending on information security products and services will reach more than $114...
Juniper Argon Secure nutzt Deception-basierte Malware-Abwehr, um den Verlust sensitiver Firmendaten...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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