Enterprise level secuity performance for SMEs

E80 firewall delivers unmatched performance and enhanced security features in a desktop form-factor, giving exceptional value for SME deployments.

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A toast to GIN

Blue Coat Systems says that its cloud-based Global Intelligence Network now integrates Blue Coat’s entire portfolio, including the Norman Shark sandboxing technology and Solera Networks forensics and incident response products recently acquired by Blue Coat. All products now feed and receive threat information on a continuous basis, providing security professionals real-time intelligence that allows them to more effectively blocks threats. This leads to reduced attacks and a more...

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DDoS attacks 'more frequent and sophisticated in nature'

Corero Network Security has released the findings of its inaugural Quarterly DDoS Trends and Analysis Report. Through the analysis of customer data from the fourth quarter of 2014, Corero found that attackers are evolving their use of DDoS attacks to circumvent companies’ cybersecurity solutions, disrupt service availability and infiltrate victim networks.

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Corero Network Security shortlisted for Security Product of the Year in DCS Awards 2015

Corero Network Security has been named a finalist for Security Product of the Year in the Datacentre Solutions Awards 2015 with its SmartWall Threat Defense System (TDS) that inspects traffic, detects DDoS attacks against protected resources such as corporate IT infrastructures, servers and services and blocks attacks in real time, preventing service and network outages. After the initial judging process, voting is now open the public until the 23rd April 2015.

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EPSRC and Innovate UK announce £5 million investment in UK cybersecurity research and innovation

Funding bodies’ support for Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queen’s University Belfast will help deliver a resilient and connected nation.

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Seven in every ten CISOs (71%) believe cyberwarfare is a threat to their organisation, and yet just...
Recognised leader extends pervasive visibility to multi-cloud environments.
Industry-leading advanced malware protection capabilities to secure users across LinkedIn,...
Of 50 industrial locations studied, nearly half faced threats from removable USB media devices .
Network attacks and unique attack signatures both hit two-year highs between July and September...
Leading cybersecurity company empowers organizations to understand the risks their users face and...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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