Cisco has unveiled a host of new capabilities and services that give security professionals extensive intelligence and analysis on potential compromises and solutions to protect against, respond to and recover from attacks.
Read MoreCorero Network Security has expanded its sales and engineering teams worldwide with the appointment of Scott Prouty as Senior Vice President of Sales, North America, and the opening of a new research and development (R&D) office in Edinburgh, Scotland. As DDoS attacks continue to become more frequent and sophisticated Corero is augmenting its sales and engineering teams underscoring the company’s commitment to ensure its customers remain protected against the latest DDoS attack...
Read MoreEnterprises average 1,555 partners, and 30% of data shared is with high risk partners.
Read MoreBy Philip Lieberman, President & CEO Lieberman Software.
Read MoreW30 firewalls deliver unmatched performance and enhanced security features, giving exceptional value and port flexibility for branch office and data centre deployments.
Read MoreSurvey shows more than half of companies attacked have critical data stolen as a result of DDoS.
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