Bitdefender’s cybersecurity predictions for 2014

With 2014 now in full swing, Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Strategist at Bitdefender, draws on his expertise to predict the key security threats on the horizon.

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BYOx threatens to disrupt the IT landscape

SolarWinds has released the results of its New IT Survey-, which sheds light on the evolving role of the modern IT professional in today's technology-driven business environment. Specifically, the survey results reveal that the consumerisation of IT, namely the emergence of BYOx (where x is anything from apps, data to the latest mobile devices), is having a significant impact on business operations and the strategic implementation of emerging technologies.

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Grant Thornton announces new global technology industry group

Grant Thornton has announced the creation of a global technology industry group. The group will provide a forum for Grant Thornton's technology specialists worldwide to share insights into the opportunities and challenges facing technology organisations, to help clients find solutions in this rapidly evolving sector. Steven Perkins will lead a team of specialists from across the Grant Thornton global network.

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A fifth of UK organisations do not provide IT security training for staff

Survey reveals UK office workers do not understand basic security threats and organisations are failing to provide adequate training to help identify them.

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Blackholing beats the hackers

FireHost has announced trends for the attacks it blocked from its clients’ web applications in Q4 2013. FireHost’s IT security experts have noted that the company’s most recent Superfecta* data on attempted cyberattacks could provide evidence of a ‘blackholing’ effect, whereby FireHost’s IP Reputation Management (IPRM) filters have, over time, helped to hide FireHost’s customers’ IPs from would-be hackers.

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Former Northrop Grumman Chairman and CEO Dr. Ronald D. Sugar joins privileged account...
Gartner, Inc. has identified seven emerging security and risk management trends that will impact...
96% of UK organisations now feel confident in the security offered by Public Cloud providers.
Wipro has launched its first ‘State of Cybersecurity Report, 2017’ which highlights the...
By Robert Doswell, managing director of Tools4ever UK, a global provider of identity and access...
New senior executive appointment, updated partner portal, training and certification enhancements...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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