Report highlights data protection challenges for fostering and adoption agencies

A report published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has highlighted the challenges independent fostering and adoption agencies are facing when looking after sensitive personal information.

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Prolexic warns of cyber attackers targeting stock prices

Prolexic Technologies has shared an analysis of nearly a dozen global DDoS attacks that indicates cyber attackers are using DDoS attacks in an attempt to influence market values and interfere with exchange platforms. The Prolexic Security and Engineering Team (PLXsert) details the findings in a white paper, DDoS Attacks Against Global Markets, which was published recently and can be downloaded at

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WeSecure helps Heemskerk save time and money

Varonis Systems, Inc. is working with the leading security integrator WeSecure to help Heemskerk dramatically reduce its expensive storage overheads. In parallel, the Netherlands municipal is streamlining its data permissions, and reducing complexities, as it prepares to upgrade to Microsoft Active Directory 2008.

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Firms risk permanent damage to their reputation with security savvy public

Businesses must make data protection their top priority in 2014 in the light of high profile data breaches and increased consumer knowledge on the subject.

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New Compliance Resource Centre whitepaper enables organisations to prepare for the transition from...
New report looks at why these low-volume attacks are so costly, and how to protect your business...
Vendor risk visibility and continuous third-party monitoring remains concerningly low despite...
Varonis Systems Inc. has announced the launch of the Varonis Data Governance Suite 5.9, which...
Trustwave has rolled out a new subscription-based, penetration testing service that can more...
By Ronald Sens, Director EMEA Marketing, A10 Networks.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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