Orange Business Services and Sia Partners analyse new ways of working in the digital era

Orange Business Services and the consultancy Sia Partners have released a position paper which explores how the digital phenomenon fundamentally changes ways of working by impacting employees, as well as how companies interact with their clients and partners, thereby creating new opportunities. This position paper is based on a Europe-wide study – conducted in conjunction with Sia Partners and Harris Interactive – including more than 1,800 interviews with company CEOs, IT managers,...

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Dell treibt Open-Networking-Initiative voran und kooperiert mit Big Switch Networks

Dell erweitert seine Open-Networking-Initiative, die das Netzwerk-Switch-Modell neu definiert und Anwender bei der Entwicklung zukunftsfähiger Rechenzentren unterstützt

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Fluke Networks führt AirCheck™ Wi-Fi-Tester für Windows®- und Android™-Geräte zur effizienten WLAN-Einrichtung, Verwaltung und Fehlerhebung auf internationalen Märkten ein

Neue softwarebasierte Lösungen helfen Vor-Ort-Technikern bei der Minimierung von Wi-Fi-Ausfallzeiten zur Verbesserung der Endkundenzufriedenheit schon beim ersten Besuch

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Das Rechenzentrum im Container hat sich als Alternative zum klassischen Serverraum etabliert. Immer...
The Consortium behind the Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1) submarine cable system project and Xtera...
BSO Network Solutions now offers the most direct network path between three key financial data...
At CEBIT 2018, Huawei introduced a comprehensive upgrade of the CloudFabric solution that makes...
IT team quickly responds to staff demands and rapidly provision infrastructure for new learning...
5G radio units to incorporate the Xilinx 7nm Versal AI Core series, enabling breakthrough signal...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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