Brocade proposes OpenStack innovations

Brocade has announced a proposal for a new OpenStack service to support inter-data centre multitenancy. For companies with multiple data centres, it provides a more flexible and automated solution that addresses the challenge of maintaining connectivity and policy context for virtual machines migrating between data centres. This proposal is the first effort of its kind and addresses a key challenge for companies using multiple data centres as a distributed pool of on-demand resources.

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EMC unveils Business Partner Program

EMC Corporation has announced the new global Business Partner Program (BPP) providing EMC® partners with a common, unified framework. The new BPP brings together all previous EMC partner programs to create a simple, predictable and profitable experience for each partner. Designed in concert with partners, the BPP offers more flexibility and choice as well as greater access to solutions and services to enable partners to play a leading role in both the 2nd Platform and emerging 3rd Platform...

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Companies seeking to innovate successfully must commit to a long-term program of investment in...
Managed services agreement to deliver improved network agility and performance, new customer...
SolarWinds MSP has launched SolarWinds® N-central® 12.0, which hosts a wide range of...
Aerospike, Tangent Works, Imply Druid and Confluent add to a growing partner portfolio to enhance...
Avi Networks improves lottery’s online experience, availability and performance.
State-of-the-art network monitoring technology empowers operator to optimize low-latency...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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