More than half of UK businesses (56 per cent) have invested in technology over the past five years that has been underused, research by TomTom Telematics has revealed.
Read MoreAccording to a survey commissioned by software and services company Tieto, people in the Nordics think Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do a better job than humans in many roles – even very demanding ones. However, when it comes to utilising AI within healthcare, scepticism is high compared to the experts' assessment. Most people also believe new technology will make it more difficult to get jobs in the future – but very few think their own job is at stake.
Read MoreAccording to a recent study conducted by IDG Research Services, in collaboration with ASG Technologies, nearly four out of five employees (79%) consider the term ‘Workplace of the Future’ as a cultural rethink of when and where work is conducted.
Read MoreTieto has acquired the intellectual property rights of Swedish startup company VisueCare. The aim is to strengthen the company?s industry specific software capabilities and widen the offering related to elderly care for municipalities.
Read MoreNew innovation model encourages industry partnerships to enable next-generation technologies.
Read MoreFive percent of spare parts could currently be stored in digital warehouses. This would make parts more quickly and easily available, while creating considerable cost savings. Digitalisation will also enable individual customisation and an increase in the intelligence of parts.
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