Akamai tailors web performance solutions for SaaS providers

Akamai Technologies, Inc. has introduced several new capabilities to the company’s Web Performance Solutions. Available now and known as the SaaS Provider Option, these new features and capabilities are designed to allow SaaS providers to use Akamai’s pioneering web application optimisation and performance solutions in a manner more closely aligned to how SaaS providers run their businesses.

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The growing pains of Shadow IT

Gigaom Research and CipherCloud have announced the results of their “Shadow IT: data protection and cloud security” study. The research examined the extent of enterprises’ cloud adoption, their challenges and security concerns and growing prevalence of shadow IT.

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Die EMC Corporation hat auf der EMC World 2014 eine Reihe neuer softwaredefinierter...
A global study of almost 2,100 contracts covering deals worth £7.8 billion suggests that...
EMC, Cisco and VCE have announced the next phase of evolution for VCE. Expected to be finalized...
ERP software must adapt or die as an estimated 143,200 UK businesses - 60% of those using the...
The addition of Io-Tahoe’s Data Automation capabilities will extend governance and data quality...
Metalogix has announced the industry's first dynamic email management suite to transparently...
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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