Cost savings and DR drive Cloud adoption

Avere Systems has released the findings of an original cloud adoption study conducted at AWS re:Invent 2013. The overwhelming majority of attendees surveyed indicated that they currently or plan to use cloud for compute, storage, or application purposes within the next two to five years. Cost savings and disaster recovery were found to be the factors most heavily driving cloud storage adoption, indicating that organizations believe cloud storage has the potential to increase efficiency,...

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Lokale Anbieter schärfste Konkurrenz im Cloud-Markt

Die überwältigende Mehrheit (87 Prozent) der Cloud- und Hosting-Anbieter auf dem europäischen Markt empfinden ihre lokalen Mitbewerber als größte Konkurrenten

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Skalierbarkeit als A und O: Startups benötigen mitwachsende Server-Strukturen

Nach Angaben des Bundesverbandes Deutsche Startups gibt es derzeit circa 5.000 Startups in Deutschland. Dabei handelt es sich um junge, wachstumsorientierte Unternehmen mit hoher Innovationsfähigkeit, die ein starkes Wachstum bei wichtigen Kennzahlen wie Mitarbeiter, Umsatz oder Kunden aufweisen

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Arcion’s connectors will simplify and accelerate ingesting data from enterprise databases to the...
Global data management company Sohonet is offering IBM Cloud’s SoftLayer IaaS platform to its...
Prognostic has officially launched Carbon Analytics, a real-time carbon accounting and financial...
The UK’s leading tech companies are embracing ‘pervasive intelligence’ to help close the gap...
Email analysis helps Nationwide better understand customer issues and resolve common problems...
DataStax has launched Astra serverless, said to be the industry’s first and only open,...
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How to Turn Data into Business Value

Marc Chemin, Global Insights & Data Consulting Leader, shares his view on how our clients can exploit big data and analytics to enhance organizational revenues, customer satisfaction and business processes.

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