Mit Redundanz und Höchstleistung zur vollständigen Ausfallsicherheit von IT-Infrastrukturen von Swen Brüseke, Geschäftsführer proIO GmbH

Die Gewährleistung hoher Ausfallsicherheit der eigenen IT-Infrastrukturen bleibt für viele Unternehmen ein frommer Wunsch, der meist schon an den finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen scheitert. Schließlich setzt diese maximale Redundanz und hoch performante Hardware-Komponenten in mehrfacher Ausführung voraus, was wiederum sehr hohe Investitionen nach sich zieht. Viele Unternehmen vertrauen den Betrieb ihrer Infrastrukturen daher Drittdienstleistern an und greifen vor allem auf...

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The DDN object is real business value from more scalable storage

Using on-premise object storage technologies, DDN claims it can make cloud storage services more scalable, faster, cheaper and above all, more valuable to the business

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Adapt to house Steinhoff IT infrastructure

Keeping the nation comfortable requires innovative infrastructure and meticulous planning behind the scenes. Steinhoff UK Retail, with brands such as Harveys, Bensons, The Bedshed and Cargo announced that it has moved its entire critical IT infrastructure to independent IT managed services provider, Adapt.

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As cloud computing adoption continues to increase, companies need to look to hybrid approach, says Databarracks

For the fourth consecutive year research from the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) has shown cloud adoption rates increasing across the board, with 69 per cent of organisations adopting at least one cloud based service. Levels of satisfaction amongst the 250 senior IT business decision-makers that had migrated to cloud services also remained high at 91 per cent.

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Continent 8 Technologies diversifies and expands Isle of Man data centre

Continent 8 Technologies has completed a major expansion of its Isle of Man data centre.

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Imagine the challenge of supply chain planning and meeting changing consumer needs when you have...
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has completed a large-scale cloud migration project for Randstad, a...
Netmagic, an NTT Communications Group Company,has launched  its 9th data center in...
New report finds 98% of IT executives plan to increase cloud service investments.
HCL Technologies has signed an end-to-end IT services transformation agreement with the VELUX...
More and more industries are using cloud services, yet only about one in ten organisations can...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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