CloudTalent appoints Tony Irving as COO

In its bid to shake up the traditional IT infrastructure consultancy market, one of the UK’s fastest growing firms ‘CloudTalent’ has appointed its first COO, Tony Irving, capitalizing on his 30 years’ experience in the industry.

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Simplexo recognised for driving secure search technology to the forefront of cloud computing

Simplexo, a British pioneer of security search technology has been shortlisted in two categories of the SVC Awards – Cloud Company of the Year and SaaS Solution of the Year, demonstrating its commitment to driving secure search technology to the forefront of the cloud, virtualisation and storage markets.

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Hitachi Data Systems trimmt Portfolio auf Private Cloud - Neue virtualisierte und offen konzipierte Private-Cloud-Infrastrukturen von HDS legen Fokus auf Sicherheit, Effizienz und Kontrollierbarkeit

Hitachi Data Systems, Tochterunternehmen von Hitachi Ltd., stellt neue Private-Cloud-Services vor und aktualisiert beziehungsweise erweitert hierfür das hauseigene Portfolio. Neben wesentlich schnellerem Zugriff auf Anwendungen und gesicherter Hoheit über die eigenen Daten können Unternehmen vorhandene Infrastrukturen damit noch effizienter nutzen. Consulting und Services spielen bei diesem Ansatz ebenso eine Rolle wie optimierte Speicherplattformen, Protokolle und ein...

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Sourcefire, Inc. has announced enhancements to its FirePOWER™ security platform, including...
High-specification HPC campus in Iceland certified to host world’s first purpose-built AI...
Zadara Storage says that the significant new functionality makes its Virtual Private Storage Array...
Cloud apps and services continue to gain traction in North American enterprises with both business...
IT infrastructure firms continue to dictate the shape of the major European data centre...
Zopa, the peer-to-peer lending company, has officially signed up for C4L’s Colocation and...
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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