Software AG introduces 'major advance' in self-service analytics for IoT

“Self-service” analytics that can monitor and respond to IoT data in real-time now available to engineers and other domain experts working without needing to write any code.

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Fewer than 50% of enterprises have deployed intelligent automation technology

86% of IT executives surveyed believe human work, AI systems, and robotic automation must be well-integrated by 2020 -- but only 12% said their companies do this really well today.

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IoT devices under constant attack

Cyxtera Technologies has released findings from an extensive research project, the “Detection of Threats to IoT Devices using Scalable VPN-forwarded Honeypots,” showing that IoT devices are under constant attack; more than 150 million connection attempts over 15 months. The report reveals the detection of new attacks on IoT devices, especially those leveraging zero-day vulnerabilities for specific devices. The research was a joint effort by Cyxtera threat researcher Martin Ochoa and...

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VMware extends edge and IoT solutions

At Mobile World Congress 2019, VMware has announced a complete software stack for edge devices so customers can manage their edge devices and create a secure foundation for generating intelligent insights with IoT data. The software stack leverages the combination of the lightweight Linux operating system, Photon OS 3.0, which has been optimized for cloud native, containers, edge and IoT environments, and VMware Pulse IoT Center, a secure, enterprise-grade IoT device management and monitoring...

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Chunghwa Telecom selects Ericsson IoT Accelerator to drive enterprise IoT

Deal to enable IoT opportunities for Chunghwa’s enterprise customers through Ericsson IoT Accelerator global ecosystem.

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AT&T and Vodafone Business team up

Collaboration will enhance safety, security and entertainment solutions for multi-national automakers.

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Cisco has launched its new IT Operations Readiness Index revealing how data is transforming the way...
New GE-owned, independently run entity will be established to expand company’s leadership in IIoT...
Despite the disruptive impacts of COVID-19, 47% of organizations plan to increase their investments...
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has joined the line-up for this year’s Smart...
“Self-service” analytics that can monitor and respond to IoT data in real-time now available to...
Smart cities should be taking more advantage of existing technologies and infrastructure rather...
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Stephane Zantain on Customer Engagement

Stephane Zantain, Head of Customer Engagement, Europe, at Capgemini Invent, explains why customer engagement depends on being able to recreate one-to-one relationships despite complex touchpoints.

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