Containing cloud costs while accelerating AI deployments

By Rupert Colbourne, Chief Technology Officer, Orbus Software.

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Thinking of migrating to the cloud? Avoid the common traps

By Jake Madders, Co-founder and Director of Hyve Managed Hosting.

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Supercloud Simplicity Via Multi-Cloud Networking

By Lori MacVittie, F5 Distinguished Engineer.

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Can the Cloud be Truly Sustainable?

By Adam Gaca, Vice President of Cloud Solutions at Future Processing.

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How AI & cloud can help data centres become more sustainable

By Jo Debecker, Managing Partner and Global Head of Wipro FullStride Cloud.

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Why the Cloud isn’t Magic

By Tim Whiteley, Co-Founder of Inevidesk.

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The CEO Perspective - Lessons on Cloud Migration

By Russell Crowley, co-founder at Principle Networks.

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Banking on a hybrid cloud

Reaping the rewards of AI-powered services is putting the quality of fintech IT infrastructure to...

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Per Christopher Undheim, Product Manager, dbWatch, explains the company’s dbWatch Control Center, a database operations solution, combining monitoring, management, dashboards, reporting, security compliance,...
James Hodge, GVP & Chief Strategy Advisor at Splunk, discusses the findings of the company’s recent ‘Hidden Costs of Downtime’ report – which identifies not just the financial cost of downtime - $400...
Antti Vilhunen, Regional Director Northern Europe, Logpoint, discusses the the roll-out of two new distinct partner programs for Channel Partners and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). The aim is to...
Doug Loewe, CEO, Kao Data, outlines the company’s strengths which attracted him to join the colo at the start of this year, and shares his vision for the future – with new locations in mainland Europe part...


D2200 series combines speed and energy efficiency with top performance per watt.
Forms partnership with Midas, Centersquare and Castrol.
New UI toolkit enables customers to build data-driven applications up to 90% faster than starting from scratch.
Customers experience 30 - 50% higher profits thanks to advantageous unit economics.