SSDs underpin QoS in the Cloud

DCS talks to Jay Prassl, VP Sales & Marketing at SolidFire, about how the company’s all-SSD networks storage technology is helping customers make the transition from siloed IT to delivering business critical applications via cloud infrastructure.

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Give it to me now
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Meeting IT delivery expectations in the age of instant technology gratification. By Steve Jackson, Vice President, Strategic Alliances EMEA for RES Software.

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That old chestnut- Food for thought…
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By Simon Campbell-Whyte- Executive Director DCA.

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Deciding when the time is right to transform your business

Len Padilla, Vice President of Product Strategy at leading global ICT service provider NTT Europe,...

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Power for converged infrastructure

IT professionals will hardly need reminding of the rapidly growing popularity  of converged...

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Converged infrastructure: the nirvana of IT

The IT infrastructure landscape has been changing for some time. Organisations are starting to...

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Security in the cloud

New buzzword, but the same old challenges and best practices apply, writes Brian Chappell, Director...

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How software defined networks enable optimised application delivery

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is increasingly talked about as providing a complete end-to-end,...

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Community spirit can go a long way

Cloud computing is now firmly rooted in the enterprise’s consciousness. Hundreds of thousands...

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spotlight tarmin

Shahbaz Ali, President and CEO, Tarmin

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Efficient storage strategies for virtualized data centers

The compelling cost and management benefits of virtualization have sparked virtual machine (VM)...

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Alkesh Soneji, Director - Sales & Marketing, Infrassist, discusses the problems facing SMB MSPs as they are often too busy ‘keeping the lights on’ to be able to devote enough time an effort into growing...
Brandon Lucia, a Carnegie Mellon professor who recently founded Efficient Computer, a company that is producing a general purpose chip said to be up to 100 times more energy-efficient than leading...
Fevzi Konduk, EMEA Head of Software and ISV partners at Red Hat, explains Red Hat how the company’s ongoing work to transform the global partner engagement experience and offer greater simplicity, choice and...
Dr. Avesta Hojjati, VP of Engineering at DigiCert, explains the thinking behind the creation of the first ever World Quantum Readiness Day – detailing the very real threat that quantum computing could...

Expert Opinions

As data centres evolve to meet the demands of high-speed data transmission, the role of optical devices becomes increasingly critical. The efficient conversion of electrical and optical signals necessitates...
By David Weeks, VP of Partner Experience at N-able.