Nexthink publishes Digital Employee Experience For Dummies

The special edition book aims to educate IT Leaders on understanding and creating better DEX in the enterprise.

Nexthink has published its special edition book, “Digital Employee Experience For Dummies,” written by Tim Flower, director of business transformation at Nexthink. The book, which is a primer on digital employee experience, offers best practices for instating DEX management within the enterprise.


“Over the past two years, busy corporate offices have transformed from brick-and-mortar high-rises into laptops on kitchen tables,” said Tim Flower, author of DEX For Dummies. “While this newfound flexibility has been a positive evolution for many, it has also introduced new challenges to the way we work and in how IT supports us. Traditionally, it has been the role of Human Resource and business leaders to create meaningful, positive experiences for employees in the office. But with today’s offices being remote and living in software, it is up to technology leaders to architect those experiences. This book offers some tangible steps for how IT teams can organize themselves and partner with the right matrix of stakeholders to improve the digital employee experiences across their organizations.”


The pandemic has altered the way employees work and with that comes new challenges that IT leaders have been tasked with addressing. The first step is understanding how employees use the software and technical infrastructure at their disposal. Throughout the book, readers will learn about the importance of visibility, assessing overall satisfaction and creating open communication between end users and IT administrators. Using the approach outlined in the book, IT teams can proactively correct problems, make recommendations for training, or change their software ecosystem based on how users are experiencing it – ultimately creating better digital experiences for employees across the enterprise and resulting in improved business outcomes.

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