Fujitsu updates group environmental plan

Fujitsu has updated its greenhouse gas reduction targets as efforts towards decarbonization gain increasing urgency and accelerate throughout the world.

To contribute more aggressively to the resolution of environmental issues confronting humanity, Fujitsu revised its emissions reduction targets for its business sites in FY 2030 from 33% to 71.4% below FY 2013 levels. On April 15, these were successfully validated as 1.5 degC-aligned targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). 

Fujitsu simultaneously issued the "Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)," which will guide stakeholders throughout the global organization in contributing to the achievement of its environmental targets for FY 2021 and FY 2022.

Fujitsu's Environmental Action Plan demonstrates its ongoing commitment to proactively reducing the environmental footprint of its business activities, including throughout its supply chain, and will continue contributing to the decarbonization of customers and society, adapt to mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change, and resolve pressing environmental and social issues through technology.


In May 2017, Fujitsu first formulated its medium- and long-term environmental vision, "Fujitsu Climate and Energy Vision," and in August of the same year, obtained SBT certification for 2degC-aligned emissions reduction targets. The SBTis are intended to significantly reduce GHG emissions over the medium to long term based on scientific knowledge compiled by the IPCC (2) and other organizations.

The Global Risks Report 2021 identifies "Natural resource crisis" and "Biodiversity loss" in addition to "Climate action failure" as environmental risks posing a high impact and high probability of occurrence. Bearing these factors in mind, Fujitsu has set targets for the two years from FY 2021 as the "Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X )" under three key areas.

Overview of "Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)"

Fujitsu is identifying priority areas based on the life cycle of the products and services it provides and will set and promote nine targets from the three perspectives of "Climate change," "Resource circulation," as well as "Co-existence with nature."

In the area of "Climate Change," Fujitsu will strategically promote energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energy resources by leveraging advanced technologies to achieve emissions reductions targets aligned with 1.5degC, in order to achieve our targets for decarbonization and mid- to long-term GHG reduction. With regard to "Resource circulation," Fujitsu will strengthen its efforts to collect information on water and measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change from suppliers using the CDP Supply Chain Program (3) to promote the resource-saving design of products (focus on measures for reuse and reduce the use of plastic) as well as understanding and reducing environmental impact throughout the supply chain. In the "Co-existence with nature" area, Fujitsu will set new targets for visualizing the impact of corporate activities on biodiversity.

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