Fujitsu signs contract with Scottish Government to deliver election e-Counting solution

Fujitsu has announced a major contract with the Scottish Government and Scottish Local Authorities to support the electronic counting (e-Counting) of ballot papers at the Scottish Local Government elections in May 2022.

Led by Fujitsu’s Devolved Government Team in Scotland, the five year contract will see Fujitsu and its partners, elections software and services supplier Idox and Elite Training, provide an end-to-end e-Counting solution. This includes the provision of software infrastructure, the printing and distribution of all ballot papers, counting and results, as well as training and support needs for each local authority.

e-Counting has been used in Scotland’s Local Government elections since 2007 and this new contact award builds on the success of the technology, creating new efficiencies and greater levels of support. The contract ensures high quality digital services that will enable accurate and secure election results to be delivered quickly.  

Commenting on the contract award, Minister for Parliamentary Business Graeme Dey said, “Electronic vote counting is now an established feature of local government elections in Scotland and is key to ensuring accurate and timely results that voters can have confidence in.

The recent award of a contract to Fujitsu and its partners will deliver the next generation of a secure electronic counting system for the local government elections in May 2022.”

Anwen Owen, Head of Fujitsu’s Public Sector Business said; “We are delighted to work in partnership with the Scottish Government and Returning Officers to deliver digital election services. 

Collaborating closely with our partner Idox, who provided e-Counting election support for the 2012 and 2017 Scottish Local Government elections, we will deliver a tried and tested solution which will provide efficient e-Counting services.

Digital transformation projects like this provide value for society which is at the core of Fujitsu’s purpose and aspirations.  We look forward to working with the Scottish Government and Local Authorities to showcase the positive impact technology and innovation can have for the people of Scotland by streamlining and improving processes.”

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