spotlight tarmin

Shahbaz Ali, President and CEO, Tarmin

  • 11 years ago Posted in

Q Favourite book?

A Too many to call one favourite,
Freakonomics by Steven Levitt is good
for a flight, insightful and easy to read

Q Favourite food?

A A London curry

Q Favourite film?

A The Good, Bad and The Ugly

Q Favourite music?

A Classical

Q Dream holiday?

A A tour of the Galaxy, otherwise,
California is always beautiful

Q Any pets?

A Not currently

Q What are your hobbies?

A Time with family and friends

Q Going out or staying in?

A Mixed, depends on where and with

Q Favourite sport and sports personality?

A Football and David Beckham

Q Favourite TV programme?

A Agatha Christie’s Poirot

Q Favourite comedian?

A Children make me laugh

Q Social networking – good or bad?

A Good in moderation

Q Consumerisation of IT – good or bad?

A Choice is good

Q Cloud – good or bad?

A Good, absolutely
Q Your job – the good?

A Innovation is invigorating

Q Your job – the bad?

A Early morning meetings, I’m at my best
in the evening

Q Other than your own, one ICT company
to watch?

A There is a London area company in
stealth that’s really cool but
unfortunately I cannot discuss it here

Q Favourite business saying/mission

A “Innovation distinguishes between a
leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

Q The plug – what’s so good about your

A Tarmin is transforming management of
unstructured data

Q You finally retire, what next?

A Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with
tangerine trees and marmalade skies.