Embracing cloud computing from AppsCare develops lessons for life at Russell House School

As a leading prep school in the Sevenoaks area with a reputation for academic excellence, Russell House in Otford aims to provide the best learning environment for each and every pupil. It has recently extended its innovative IT programme; deploying Google Apps for Education to provide easy-to-use online collaboration tools for pupils which can be accessed at school, at home… in fact anywhere in the world.

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HP-Studie: IT-Systemausfälle kosten deutsche Mittelständler im Durchschnitt fast 400.000 Euro pro Jahr

- Durchschnittlich vier je vierstündige Ausfälle geschäftskritischer Systeme pro Unternehmen und Jahr - 40 Prozent der Betriebe wissen nicht, was ein Ausfall sie kostet 

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telent Technology Services Ltd (telent), a leading UK technology and network services company, has...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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