Increasing DR process efficiency

Brightsource, a marketing services and technology company, has deployed Nimble Storage flash-optimised hybrid storage arrays to enable its disaster recovery strategy. By leveraging the Nimble CS-series arrays and Nimble InfoSight Brightsource implemented efficient array-based replication across multiple sites, and simplified the management and reporting of its IT environment.

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Mobile World Congress: HP startet offenes Netzvirtualisierungs-Programm für Telkos

--- "OpenNFV" von HP erhöht Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Netzbetreiber --- Programm umfasst NFV-Referenzarchitektur und Partner-Ökosystem, nutzt offene Standards

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Facebook archiviert Daten auf Blu-Rays

Facebook entwickelt ein auf Blu-ray Technologie basierendes 1 Petabyte Storage-Rack und spart 80% Energie- und nicht zuletzt auch fortlaufende Migrationskosten

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14 Microsoft Technology Centers (MTCs) bieten jetzt X-IO-Speicher an

Hochleistungs-Speicher von X-IO hilft unter anderem Kunden in München dabei, das Potenzial von Microsoft-basierten Lösungen auszuschöpfen

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Acronis stellt Data Protection der neuen Generation für virtuelle, physische und Cloud-Umgebungen vor

--- Acronis revolutioniert Data Protection mit AnyData-Technologie --- Best-in-Class-Produkte ohne Komplexität und Gemeinkosten von Legacy-Plattformen

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A3CUBE ‘redefines’ storage networking

A3CUBE Inc. has announced a groundbreaking ‘brain inspired’ data plane encapsulated in a Network Interface Card (NIC) designed to bridge supercomputing benefits to the enterprise by dramatically transforming storage networking to eliminate the I/O performance gap between CPU power and data access performance for HPC, Big Data and data center applications.

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Emulex Corporation and Huawei have announced that cards based on Emulex BladeEngine™ (BE)3...
A leading UK technology company providing leisure management software and other technical services...
At HUAWEI CONNECT 2016, Huawei joined together with Alluxio to announce the release of their Big...
ITN, the award-winning news and media production company has purchased an additional 2...
However, over three quarters of businesses in the UK, France and Germany admit they have no policy...
New cloud storage offering enables customers to simplify long-term data retention, reduce costs and...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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