Smartodds hits the jackpot and reduces backup management time

Rubrik has helped Smartodds to eliminate its legacy backup solution and lengthy tape backups. Rubrik is delivering a simple and powerful data management solution which has allowed Smartodds to reduce its backup management time by 90%.

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Dwango integrates object storage software with flash

Dwango, a leading Japanese telecommunications and media company, has deployed Cloudian’s HyperStore object storage software in a unique all-flash hardware configuration to meet the evolving needs of its niconico video streaming service. As a result, Dwango has been able to repatriate application development workflows from the public cloud, taking advantage of HyperStore’s full S3 storage compatibility and accelerating these workflows.

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Facilitating DataOps across edge to multi-cloud environments

Hitachi Vantara has introduced Pentaho 8.3, the latest version of the company's data integration and analytics platform software. Pentaho 8.3 introduces a series of features designed to support DataOps, a collaborative data management practice that helps customers realise the full potential of their data. This latest version delivers improved data agility from customers’ edge-to-multicloud environments while facilitating privacy, security and overall data governance.

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Cyber protection for SAP HANA

Users can now back up their entire SAP HANA database and recover business critical data in mere minutes.

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Businesses want high performance

High performance computing extends to the enterprise: 6 in 10 UK businesses will use a practical application of HPC within one year.

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For anyone trying to understand how the data centre and its contents (facilities and IT) needs to...
Wer zum Arzt geht, der muss vertrauen: In erster Linie in die Kompetenz und Professionalität...
Market research firm Infonetics Research released data from its 2014 Telecom and Datacom Network...
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Managing IT’s Evolution into the 3rd Era.
Business technology company Amor Group, has gained a place on the latest G-Cloud Framework, G-Cloud...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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