Colleges and Universities choosing ExaGrid

ExaGrid’s scalable, cost effective disk backup solution with deduplication makes the grade for higher education campuses.

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EMC führt mit ViPR eine Software-definierte Speicherplattform ein

EMC hat auf der EMC World in Las Vegas mit EMC ViPR die erste Software-definierte Speicherplattform vorgestellt. Mit EMC ViPR können Unternehmen sowohl ihre Speicherinfrastruktur als auch die darin gespeicherten Daten verwalten. 

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EMC unveils ViPR software-defined storage platform

The EMC ViPR Software-Defined Storage Platform uniquely provides the ability to both manage storage infrastructure (Control Plane) and the data residing within that infrastructure (Data Plane).

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ESG Lab achieves ‘impressive’ testing results for EMC VSPEX proven infrastructure solutions with Brocade networking

Brocade has announced impressive testing results performed by ESG Lab for EMC VSPEX Proven Infrastructure solutions enabled with the award-winning Brocade VDX Ethernet fabric data center network switches for cloud-optimized configurations of 100 virtual machines (VMs) and 500 virtual desktop instances. The testing performed typical workloads for each configuration that small and mid-sized businesses commonly deploy to support rapid data growth and ever changing business requirements.

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Study reveals understanding value of pre-deployment storage performance testing but only nascent...
Swisslos, Switzerland’s National Lottery, has successfully implemented Actifio for enhanced...
Employees at data and information management software company Commvault are racing to raise funds...
IT leaders see the value of end user computing strategies but risk and compliance issues prohibit...
CEO Mike Gregoire kicked off CA World ’14 with a keynote address to thousands of customers...
Nexenta has announced the signing of an exclusive distribution agreement with SYNNEX Corporation, a...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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