Quantum StorNext übernimmt tragende Rolle in preisgekrönter Visual-Effects-Schmiede

Selbst Oscar-Preisträger brauchen Unterstützung, um mit dem rasanten Wandel in der Filmwelt und der Umstellung auf digitale Formate Schritt halten zu können: Das erfolgreiche Postproduction-Studio Framestore setzt auf das Quantum StorNext File System und Quantum StorNext Storage Manager, um seinen digitalen Workflow zu optimieren und das Datenmanagement zu automatisieren. So konnte das Unternehmen Einsparungen von 30 bis 60 Prozent realisieren.

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Hitachi Data Systems unveils integrated file sync and share for the enterprise

Hitachi Data Systems has unveiled new solutions and services that allow enterprises to adopt cloud computing more readily, enable their mobile workforce more securely and reliably, and provide a better IT experience to their end users.

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Cray has been awarded a contract to provide a Cray® XC40™ supercomputer to the...
Scality has entered into a new relationship with Dell to create a robust solution to high...
Despite more than one-third of total HR budget dedicated to the IT talent gap, 25 per cent of...
Intel has added new performance- and performance-per-dollar optimized processors to the Intel®...
US regains top spot from China as most likely place for disruptive technology breakthrough.
New IT Search feature speeds security investigations and audits with single web interface, allowing...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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