TCS named exclusive certification services provider

Tata Consultancy Services has been appointed as the only Certification Services and Test Provider for Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) conformance testing by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA). The SNIA launched the CDMI Conformance Test Program (CTP) for cloud vendors to provide interoperability standards for end users. Cloud storage companies will now be able to utilise TCS’ innovative CDMI Conformance Assurance Solution to ensure that their cloud storage products...

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Red Hat to acquire Inktank

Open source leaders unite to accelerate adoption of open software-defined storage for enterprises and service providers.

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Nearly half of UK employees don’t tell IT what they’re doing

According to a new Censuswide survey commissioned by Symantec, almost half (42%) of UK workers claim they would not inform their IT department of new apps, programmes or software they install on devices for work purposes. However, by simply bypassing IT departments and downloading unsanctioned software in the name of efficiency workers are running the risk of negative business impacts.

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Senior executives and business decision-makers across Europe say data analytics are important to...
The pace, scope, and accessibility of innovation today provides organisations an ever-expanding...
Lenovo and NetApp have joined forces and launched several new initiatives to help partners address...
With potentially 84,000 new mainframe positions emerging by 2020, finding the specialised and...
Meets the requirements of real-time data Ppocessing in future data centres
Research from InfinityQS highlights costs as the main reason businesses are hesitating to invest in...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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