EMC announces key executive appointments

EMC Corporation has announced a series of senior executive appointments in support of the EMC Information Infrastructure business. EMC Information Infrastructure is one of the three businesses along with VMware and Pivotal under the EMC Corporation federated business model.

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Fujitsu ETERNUS DX200 S3 sprengt Geschwindigkeitsgrenzen

Die flexiblen, modularen Fujitsu Plattenspeichersysteme ETERNUS DX200 S3 für die Einstiegsklasse erreichen bei der Datenzugriffsgeschwindigkeit und Antwortzeit Werte, wie sie sonst nur bei Enterprise-Lösungen üblich sind

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Five considerations when choosing Software-Defined Storage

With much industry attention on “software- defined” infrastructures, organizations considering software-defined storage are faced with multiple approaches to using software to pool, aggregate, manage and share storage resources while providing high levels of data integrity, availability and scalability.

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Kelway, the IT services and solutions provider, has announced the signing of a five year agreement...
Cavium, Inc. has announced the introduction of a new ‘game changing’ category of...
Nutanix has announced added security capabilities for its Virtual Computing Platform, including a...
New HPC intelligence service helps users discover the safe path through the HPC fog.
Capgemini to expand data and insights capabilities to meet growing market demands.
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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