Italiens Wirtschafts- und Finanzministerium modernisiert IT-Infrastruktur mit DataCore Software-defined Storage

Das „Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze“ (MEF) hat mit SANsymphony™-V von DataCore, Anbieter von Software-definierten Storage-Architekturen, seine geschäftskritische IT-Infrastruktur modernisiert und damit die Produktivität erhöht

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Optimising 4K video production and streaming

Emulex Corporation is working with leading storage companies in the media and entertainment industry to deliver high performance storage and caching appliances for 4K and 8K media production, post-production and streaming. CacheIO, Echostreams and Studio Network Solutions (SNS) are leveraging Emulex OneCoreTM Storage Software Development Kit (SDK), a comprehensive solution for independent hardware and software vendors (IHVs and ISVs) and system integrators to create target side drivers in a...

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Cap fits for new Operations Manager at Quiss Technology Plc.

Following a raft of new business wins and contract renewals for Tamworth-headquartered IT solutions provider Quiss Technology Plc., it has appointed Andy Slater as the firm’s new Operations Manager. He joins from leading management consulting and IT services group Capgemini, with a remit to deliver an enhanced service experience for Quiss’ clients.

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Mirantis startet neues Partnerschaftsprogramm zur Erweiterung der OpenStack-Ausbilder-Community in Europa und dem Nahen Osten

Neue Partnerschaften werden lokale autorisierte Anbieter befähigen, Fachkräften in einer Vielzahl von Regionen und Sprachen das weltweit führende OpenStack-Schulungsprogramm anzubieten

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Mietmodell für Software-Lizenzen: TIM bietet Symantec ExSP-Programm an

Im Rahmen des Enterprise Service Provider Licensing Programm (ExSP) können Service Provider ab sofort Symantec Lizenzen auch nach einem monatlichen Mietmodell über den Wiesbadener Value-Added-Distributor beziehen

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Interoperability improves disaster recovery/business continuity across data centre and VMware cloud...
Unlocking the full potential of desktop virtualisation for enterprises, NVIDIA and VMware have...
Easynet und HP bieten im Rahmen der CloudAgile-Partnerschaft gemeinsam Cloud-basierte...
Combined company, technologies will protect data everywhere for nearly two million business...
Aegis IT, the North East based technology consultancy has scooped a major award and recognition...
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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