Manging and archiving mission-critical geospatial intelligence data

Located in Torrejón de Ardoz, in the vicinity of Madrid, Spain, the European Union Satellite Centre (EU SatCen), commonly known as SatCen, is an agency of the European Union's Council of Ministers, which gathers information through satellite images. Facing an annual growth of geospatial data of over 30%, the EU SatCen selected Quantum StorNext 5 storage systems to manage and archive its mission-critical data for the long-term.

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Quantum signs Union Solutions as UK managed services provider

Quantum Corp. says that Union Solutions, an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provider, has become a managed service provider (MSP) partner in the UK. Powered by Quantum’s virtual deduplication appliances , the MSP programme will enable Union Solutions to offer an end-to-end cloud backup and disaster recovery platform that delivers an affordable and seamless data storage experience for its customers.

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New Horizons joins Arrow's Global Training Alliance for IBM Global Training

Arrow Electronics, Inc., has announced that New Horizons Worldwide, Inc. (formerly pink:NWRZ), recently joined Arrow’s global training alliance, a unique global learning ecosystem that makes IBM training available around the world, delivered in a consistent manner and based on local requirements. New Horizons operates more than 300 training centers in 70 countries and offers a wide range of technology, applications, and business skills training from basic application and desktop...

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International food company chooses Nutanix to upgrade legacy VDI infrastructure in Netherlands data...
Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg University Hospital and Hitachi, Ltd. have reached an agreement to...
Blancco Technology Group has been awarded a patent by the US Patent Office for the unique,...
Asigra Inc. has announced the availability of a new enterprise backup resource titled, “How...
Arrow Electronics, Inc., has announced that New Horizons Worldwide, Inc. (formerly pink:NWRZ),...
Installed base totals more than 2 petabytes.
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Hybrid Cloud Data Infrastructure That Enables New Use Cases

Learn how Pure Storage Cloud Block Store and Purity CloudSnap enable a hybrid data infrastructure to help enterprises unlock new hybrid cloud use cases for secondary storage, cloud backup and disaster recovery, and data and application mobility.

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