EMC unveils Business Partner Program

EMC Corporation has announced the new global Business Partner Program (BPP) providing EMC® partners with a common, unified framework. The new BPP brings together all previous EMC partner programs to create a simple, predictable and profitable experience for each partner. Designed in concert with partners, the BPP offers more flexibility and choice as well as greater access to solutions and services to enable partners to play a leading role in both the 2nd Platform and emerging 3rd Platform...

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Unlocking data potential

46% of UK CIOs agree that current IT processes are impacting organisations’ ability to leverage data to drive growth.

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NAKIVO provides complimentary VM backup

NAKIVO updates the Free edition of NAKIVO Backup & Replication v4 to include Exchange objects recovery and backup verification features.

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Studie von Silver Peak: Backup und Recovery haben für Unternehmen hohe Priorität - Organisationen stufen Daten als erfolgskritische Ressource ein

Nach Angaben von Silver Peak, einem führenden Anbieter von Software, mit der sich Daten schnell, effizient und sicher über große Entfernungen übermitteln lassen, stufen Unternehmen das Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Daten in den kommenden zwölf Monaten als zweit wichtigste Aktivität im Bereich IT ein

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New offering to feature cloud backup, recovery of Microsoft Office 365, Google...
Fujitsu launches two new models in its Fujitsu Storage ETERNUS DX8000 S4 series of high-end storage...
Dell, InfraScience and Microsoft partnered to migrate 1,100 user mailboxes and more than 2...
Die EMC Corporation hat die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Umfrage vorgestellt, die das...
Infortrend Technology, Inc has welcomed Kelly Lock, formally of Global Distribution, as its Lead in...
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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