Unitrends calls on UK Firms to “join the assured disaster recovery evolution”

“Assuring your disaster recovery with the right IT solution mix takes you out of the Stone Age,” says Kevin Moreau, managing director EMEA for Unitrends.

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Manging and archiving mission-critical geospatial intelligence data

Located in Torrejón de Ardoz, in the vicinity of Madrid, Spain, the European Union Satellite Centre (EU SatCen), commonly known as SatCen, is an agency of the European Union's Council of Ministers, which gathers information through satellite images. Facing an annual growth of geospatial data of over 30%, the EU SatCen selected Quantum StorNext 5 storage systems to manage and archive its mission-critical data for the long-term.

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International Supercomputing Conference moves to Frankfurt

When the International Supercomputing Conference convenes next year for its 30th annual global HPC meet, it will take place in the international city of Frankfurt. The next conference and exhibition will be held July 12 - 16, 2015.

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Technology will continue to play a crucial role in helping the NHS reduce its costs and meet its...
VMware, Inc. has introduced VMware EVO: RAIL™, a hyper-converged infrastructure appliance...
QLogic saysthat its award-winning FlexSuiteTM technology is the exclusive 16Gb Gen 5 Fibre Channel...
New joint solution provides businesses with simplified IT operational management, lower costs and...
The technology sector remains one of the driving forces for innovation and growth across the UK...
Leading Vendors, Solution and Service Providers to meet in London in September 2015.
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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