Movius launching CAFÉ Cloud solution

Movius Interactive Corporation is taking the next step in its global strategy to launch its CAFÉ cloud solution to service providers around the world. The company is targeting Europe, Asia and the US as key regions to offer CAFÉ as a service, with US operators next in line to benefit from the rollout. Movius, a global leader in solution enablement for service providers, will initially host CAFÉ platforms in the US and Europe, the latter being hosted by its partner Monaco...

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A More Comfortable Cloud

Glenn Gibson of Hyland discusses how potential users can feel less anxious about handing over their data…

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Carrenza becomes an Official G-Cloud iii Supplier

Carrenza has been awarded a place on the UK government’s G-Cloud iii framework as an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider. The UK Government is committed to the adoption of cloud computing and the G-Cloud iii programme is an iterative programme of work to achieve this, delivering fundamental changes in the way the UK public sector procures and operates ICT.

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Report finds that cloud adoption remains a top IT priority for 2021, with over half of study...
2016 will be the year of cloud security and ROI, a year when CISOs finally get the recognition they...
A US Government official has suggested that businesses should insure themselves against security...
41% of IT security managers plan to quit their job in the next 6 months, experiencing high stress.
The 2016 Managed Services and Hosting Summit to be held in London on 21 September will examine the...
ParStream, the IoT analytics company, has released findings from an independent survey on the...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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