CloudSigma 2.0 features Private Patching to Public Cloud

CloudSigma has announced the launch of CloudSigma 2.0, a next-generation public cloud that enables seamless, high-performance hybrid environments. CloudSigma’s cloud breaks new ground on interoperability and performance, with new features including:

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Capgemini announces SkySight - a next generation cloud orchestration service

Capgemini, together with Sogeti, its local professional services unit, has announced a new cloud orchestration service called SkySight. Developed with support from Microsoft Corp., SkySight will enable a wide variety of enterprises from multi-nationals to SMEs to integrate, configure, provision and manage cloud-based application workloads using a Capgemini-developed orchestration service.

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Survey displays accelerated cloud adoption

Virtustream, Inc. has announced its role as a collaborator in releasing the results of the third annual Future of Cloud Computing Survey, conducted by North Bridge Venture Partners, GigaOM Research and supported by 56 other collaborating organisations. This year’s survey is the largest to date, examining viewpoints on drivers, inhibitors and opportunities in cloud computing across a sample of 855 respondents, including business users, IT decision makers and cloud vendors.

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Cloud-Daten sicher löschen - Was passiert in (Cloud) Rechenzentren mit den Daten? Blancco LUN ermöglicht effiziente Datenlöschung: ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Einhaltung von Compliance-Regeln

Durch Cloud Computing befinden sich heute immer mehr Daten auf virtuellen Servern. Zur Erfüllung aktueller Compliance-Anforderungen brauchen heute Rechenzentren sichere und effiziente Lösungen, um Daten nicht nur von physikalischen Speichern, sondern insbesondere in virtuellen Umgebungen oder von kompletten LUNs (Logical Unit Number) sicher zu löschen

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IPsoft-Lösung verkürzt Reaktionszeiten bei Cyber-Attacken drastisch

Die Cyber-Bedrohung nimmt auf breiter Front zu. Unternehmen wappnen sich zwar mit einer Vielzahl heterogener Sicherheits- und Monitoring-Systeme. Das führt allerdings zu einer wahren Informationsflut, die schnelle Reaktionszeiten verhindert. Speziell für diese Problematik hat Managed-Services-Anbieter IPsoft ein Security-Tool-Framework konzipiert, das sich problemlos in vorhandene IT-Infrastrukturen einbinden lässt

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The move enables enterprises to securely adopt a SaaS-based security framework.
According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) WW Quarterly Cloud Infrastructure...
CCE Solution provides UK SME with a flexible IT infrastructure
Fujitsu adopts Thales’s Cloud HSM and Key Management solutions to expand its managed PKI security...
According to the IDC WW Quarterly Cloud Infrastructure Tracker, IT infrastructure spending...
Aryaka has acquired Secucloud GmbH, a proven SASE platform provider, delivering network security...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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