Durch den integrierten DRM-Schutz in Studioqualität, wie ihn die Urheberrechtsvorgaben der Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) vorsehen, baut Akamai die Qualität und Skalierbarkeit bei der Auslieferung von Online-Medieninhalten weiter aus. Darüber hinaus hat Akamai ein DRM-Partnerprogramm gestartet. Die beiden ersten Mitglieder sind Irdeto, einer der Pioniere der digitalen Verschlüsselung, und BuyDRM, ein Anbieter von Digital-Rights-Management- und...
Read MoreOncore IT has renewed a three year contract with NYK Group Europe Ltd to provide comprehensive managed IT services in London, working with NYK Business Systems Europe, the company’s in-house IT company.
Read MoreTata Consultancy Services has been appointed as the only Certification Services and Test Provider for Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) conformance testing by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA). The SNIA launched the CDMI Conformance Test Program (CTP) for cloud vendors to provide interoperability standards for end users. Cloud storage companies will now be able to utilise TCS’ innovative CDMI Conformance Assurance Solution to ensure that their cloud storage products...
Read MoreBy Roger Keenan, managing director of City Lifeline, the central London data centre.
Read MorePortugal Telecom (PT), the largest telecom provider in Portugal, and leading telecoms consultant Altran Portugal has announced a launch partnership to combine its cloud and data services across Europe.
Read MoreUnisys cloud management solution makes use of advanced automation tools to help clients better utilise public cloud resources while reducing service provisioning time.
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