Cigital Secures $50m investment from LLR Partners

Cigital, a leader in software security services and solutions, has announced the completion of a $50M equity investment by LLR Partners.

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On-demand penetration testing

Trustwave has rolled out a new subscription-based, penetration testing service that can more efficiently and regularly identify security weaknesses within networks and applications so businesses can make improvements that better protect themselves from cybercrime, data loss and other security risks.

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AppSense and Warwickshire Education Services partner

In a move designed to limit impact on teaching time, increase IT security and encourage more collaboration amongst students, Kingsbury School and Warwickshire Education Services have adopted AppSense DataNow technology. DataNow, which was rolled out earlier this year, provides students of the Diploma of Digital Arts with simple, secure access, synchronisation and sharing capabilities in order to access coursework files no matter where they are, without having to use troublesome and often...

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New release of AlgoSec Security Management Suite makes it easier to move business applications from data centres to the cloud

AlgoSec has announced the latest version of the AlgoSec Security Management Suite, which simplifies data centre migration projects through an automated, application-centric approach.

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Sophos has published a new sectoral survey report, “The State of Ransomware in Manufacturing and...
Adapt and Alert Logic have joined forces to bring Adapt customers a suite of advanced managed...
New report shows how hackers and criminals exploited COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to target all...
Record-breaking 20 million active phishing Reporters and 100+ million phishing simulations inform...
Ongoing investment in senior appointments as company expands offensive security and managed...
Verschlüsselung und automatische Wahl des Netzwerkpfads sind ein Muss
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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