In one of the first post-Brexit European University partnerships, the University of Gloucestershire is joining forces with The Fachhochschule del Mittselstands (FHM) University to establish an institute for cyber security and digital innovation in Germany.
Read MoreSolarWinds IT Trends Report 2021: Building a Secure Future examines how technology professionals perceive the evolving state of risk in today’s business environment following internal impact of COVID-19 IT policies and exposure to external breaches.
Read MoreAqua's cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP), delivered as SaaS or self-hosted, supports the customer experience from scanning and visibility to runtime workload protection.
Read MoreRansomware showed massive year-to-date spikes in the U.S. (185%), U.K. (144%).
Read MoreZerto has introduced Zerto 9, significantly advancing its capabilities in the fight against ransomware. Offering powerful new immutability and automation features, Zerto 9 also provides enhanced cloud data management and protection capabilities for end users and managed service providers, new backup capabilities including support for additional cloud platforms, and cloud tiering to deliver secure and cost-effective archive storage and simplified management.
Read MoreOVHcloud, the European leader in cloud computing, has acquired BuyDRM, an American company specializing in security technologies for digital rights management (DRM) applications. The entire BuyDRM team and their founders will join the Group's workforce as of today to build together a single roadmap dedicated to security.
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