Bristol City Council establishes more mobile and flexible workplace

Bristol’s 432,000 residents rely on Bristol City Council for a variety of public services, from social care and education to planning and transportation. To address budget constraints, the council has embarked on a substantial business transformation programme, which includes digitising more services and consolidating offices. To support the initiative, the council needed a more flexible and fit-for-purpose environment for workplace IT.

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Arrow vertreibt Nakivo

Einer der weltweit führenden Value-Added-Distributoren liefert deutschlandweit Datenschutzlösungen für virtualisierte Umgebungen von Nakivo für mittelständische Betriebe, Unternehmen und Cloud-Betreiber

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F5 mildert Auswirkungen des Heartbleed-Bug - Es besteht meist geringer oder kein Handlungsbedarf für Kunden

Als Reaktion auf die weit verbreitete Besorgnis über den kürzlich bekannt gewordenen OpenSSL Heartbleed-Bug und die damit verbundenen Angriffe, veröffentlicht F5 Networks eine Stellungnahme sowie einfache Anleitungen für seine Kunden

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Post-lockdown recovery threatened for businesses vulnerable to increasing rate of cyberattacks...
Fortinet has published the findings of its latest Global Threat Landscape Report.
Trend Micro has released results from a new study that reveals SOC and IT security teams are...
CloudTalent, a leading global IT consultancy, has published new findings that reveal how private...
Gartner predicts the security market will continue to evolve alongside new requirements arising...
Fewer than half of cybersecurity professionals have a plan in place to deal with IoT attacks,...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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