Datatec forms separate IT advisory business, Mason Advisory Limited

Datatec Limited has formed Mason Advisory Limited (“Mason”) within its consulting division. The new company, which was previously a division of Analysys Mason Limited, will see Datatec partner with Steve Watmough, the new CEO and shareholder of Mason, to develop a highly focused independent IT advisory business. The core focus of the separated business will be consulting on the growing IT, cloud, security and mobile technology requirements of major public and commercial...

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Metaways: Worauf Unternehmen bei Open-Source-Lizenzen achten müssen

Im Zuge der NSA-Affäre interessieren sich immer mehr Unternehmen für Open-Source-Software. Der IT-Dienstleister Metaways klärt darüber auf, worauf sie im Umgang mit Open-Source-Lizenzen achten müssen

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IDC lowers IT spending forecasts

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Black Book, worldwide IT spending will increase by 4.1% in constant currency this year, down from IDC’s previous forecast of 4.6% and also down from last year’s growth of 4.5%. According to the new report, IT spending has been volatile since the beginning of the year, with macroeconomic wild cards including the crisis in Ukraine and the slowdown in China adding to the general sense of uncertainty which continues to...

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Logistics provider Peter Green Chilled offer Temperature Controlled services to the food industry...
Device-to-Cloud suites safeguard and simplify digital transformation with industry-first proactive...
Nearly three-quarters of organizations have fallen victim to a phishing attack in the last year and...
Gearing up European digitisation progress and achieve win-win outcomes.
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Sudden changes in priorities, poor network visibility and lack of time cited as key issues for...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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