Computacenter honoured with EMC Enterprise Partner of the Year 2012

Computacenter has been named EMC Enterprise Partner of the Year at the EMC 2013 Channel Awards on February 12th for the second year running. The award recognises year-on-year growth and the continued work between the two companies in the channel.

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AlienVault releases industry’s first Unified Security Management Virtual Appliance

Company responds to needs of mid-market enterprises for security visibility and reduced complexity with free trial and new pricing options.

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Increase in cyberespionage

Symantec Corp.'s Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 18 (ISTR) has revealed a 42 percent surge during 2012 in targeted attacks compared to the prior year. Designed to steal intellectual property, these targeted cyberespionage attacks are increasingly hitting the manufacturing sector as well as small businesses, which are the target of 31 percent of these attacks. Small businesses are attractive targets themselves and a way in to ultimately reach larger companies via "watering...

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adesso unterstützt die Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer bei Einführung des elektronischen Anwaltspostfaches

Die Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BRAK) hat den IT-Dienstleister adesso AG mit den Vorbereitungen zur Einführung des sogenannten elektronischen Anwaltspostfaches beauftragt. Im ersten Schritt werden die Anforderungsanalyse sowie die Kontext- und Systembeschreibungen der geplanten Lösung erstellt

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Fujitsu ETERNUS CS Unified Data Protection Appliance integriert Deduplizierungstechnologie von Quantum

Fujitsu integriert die branchenführende Deduplizierungstechnologie von Quantum in die neue Generation der Fujitsu ETERNUS CS High End Data Protection Appliance. Unternehmen können damit die Geschwindigkeiten beim Daten-Backup oder bei der Datenwiederherstellung besser mit den Kosten abstimmen, da unbegrenzt große Datenmengen flexibel auf unterschiedlichen Speichermedien beziehungsweise Speicherkombinationen abgelegt werden können

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Trusteer unveils new approach to stop Zero-Day attacks and APTs

Trusteer has announced the European launch of Trusteer Apex to protect enterprises against advanced malware attacks and data breaches at this month’s Infosecurity Europe.

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Businesses and consumers support government-mandated IoT security regulations.
McAfee, the device-to-cloud cybersecurity company, has introduced partner program innovations,...
20% jump in sales with half of all new customers sighting US cyber snooping scandal as major...
Data security consultancy offers seven steps to a successful transition to Cloud and Mobility...
Wie sieht ein professionelles Datenlöschmanagement in Zeiten weltweit wachsender Datenmengen...
AppSense, in partnership with Ultima Business Solutions, has announced Scania (GB) Limited has...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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