35% of businesses experienced a DDoS attack in 2012

When DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks hit, organizations are thrown into crisis mode. From the IT department to call centers, to the boardroom and beyond, it’s all hands on deck until the danger passes. In February 2013, Neustar, a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information and analysis, surveyed 704 IT professionals across North America and Europe to understand how companies are managing the crisis around DDoS attacks and measuring the impact on their businesses.

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Cyber attacks on trust expose UK organizations to £247 million in losses reveals Ponemon and Venafi research

Mismanagement of millions of cryptographic keys and digital certificates threatens security and operations of UK businesses.

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Enterprise security for the Cloud

McAfee has announced the addition of identity and access management solutions to its Security Connected portfolio. The new solutions that were previously sold and developed by Intel, include McAfee Cloud Single Sign On and McAfee One Time Password. McAfee also introduced a new McAfee Identity Center of Expertise, staffed with experts in identity and cloud security to assist users with questions pertaining to identity and access management issues, such as architecture requirements and best...

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FireEye-Studie zeigt die zunehmend globale Natur von Cyber-Attacken

Spezialist für Next-Generation-Threat-Protection veröffentlicht Report zur „Advanced Cyber Attack Landscape“; 184 Länder hosten Crimeware-Server; High-Technology-Unternehmen werden am häufigsten angegriffen; Bei 89 Prozent aller APT-Attacken wurden chinesische Tools eingesetzt

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HP WebInspect 10.0 nutzt interaktives Testverfahren, um Anwendungen sicherer zu machen

HP bringt HP WebInspect 10.0, eine neue Version seiner Security-Testing-Lösung für Web-Anwendungen. Zu den Neuerungen der Version 10.0 zählt das interaktive Testverfahren Guided Scan

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Acronis vmProtect 9 ermöglicht kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen sowie Außen- und...
GFI-Studie: Fast ein Drittel der KMU testet ihre Backup-Lösungen nicht auf Zuverlässigkeit
Research highlights a systemic failure to protect financial services apps against multiple...
Studie von Acronis findet heraus, dass Unternehmen mit Richtlinien zu BYOD, einfachen...
VIP Computers, one of the UK’s largest independent distributors of components, peripherals...
These predictions for 2015 are from Stuart Evans, Chief Technology Officer, at Invu.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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