Zscaler unveils Mobile Security solution

Zscaler has announced the release of the Zscaler Mobile Security Solution, extending the benefits of the Zscaler Network to enable centrally-managed advanced threat protection, real-time visibility and granular policy controls for mobile devices deployed in BYOD, corporate-issued and hybrid environments. Zscaler also announced partnerships with Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions, integrating Mobile Security to complement provisioning and auditing capabilities.

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DCS Awards: Und die Gewinner sind... 

Am Donnerstag, den 23. Mai, fand im Millennium Gloucester Hotel und Konferenzzentrum im Herzen von London vor über 300 Gästen aus ganz Europa die DCS-Preisverleihung (Auszeichnungen für Rechenzentrumslösungen) statt.  Der Galaabend bot einen heiteren Auftritt von Komiker Sanderson Jones und Musik von AudioBox. Moderator der DCS-Preisverleihung, die in diesem Jahr von Ark Data Centres unterstützt wurde, war Paul Trowbridge EVITO, dem Schwesterunternehmen von...

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Enterprises sitting on security ‘time bomb’

Companies are at serious risk of data security breaches as 43 per cent of UK office workers admit to storing enterprise documents on personal cloud tools and services.

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Postquantum cryptography and machine learning research initiatives currently underway in...
SafeNet, Inc. has announced an extended global distribution agreement with Senetas Security Pty...
Montagu Evans has selected MobileIron unified endpoint management (UEM) cloud solution, including...
IT departments must free themselves from the pressures of tactical necessities before they can be...
Research highlights importance of CIOs building internal relationships with sales and marketing to...
FireEye, Inc. has announced the release of a report titled, “World War C: Understanding...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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