‘Clean pipe’ DdoS mitigation service

New cloud-based service protects against dangerous volumetric and ‘low and slow’ DDoS attacks.

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Kingston University adopts robust portable data security standard

iStorage’s USB flash drive datAshur with hardware encryption and PIN code access used to address staff requirement for a secure mobile data storage solution.

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Barracuda Web Filter models feature 10 GbE interfaces

Higher throughput and connectivity options on models 1010 and 1011 extend Barracuda Web Filter deployments in enterprise and highly demanding networks.

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Infortrend und Emulex präsentieren Lösung für 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Umgebungen - Infortrends 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme optimiert für den Einsatz mit Emulex 16G FC-HBAs

Infortrend und Emulex geben bekannt, dass die 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) "RAID-Storage"-Produkte von Infortrend und die LightPulse® 16G FC-Host-Bus-Adapter (HBA) von Emulex vollständig kompatibel zueinander sind. Anwender können so die Vorteile der Bandbreite und Geschwindigkeit von 16G Fibre-Channel Infrastrukturen in vollem Umfang ausnutzen

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Tanium study finds that organisations can save money as they grapple with issues such as mass...
CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the global information technology (IT) industry, has...
New communications platform supported by Dell Storage and Dell Servers improves communication...
New program opens MobileIron’s global sales channel to Marketplace Premier Partners, expanding...
The COVID-19 pandemic created enormous challenges for businesses worldwide – and cybersecurity...
Company debuts brand-new eCrime Index showing intensity of cyber-criminal market over time; reveals...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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