Arrow Electronics launches Solutions Station in UK

Arrow Electronics has announced the launch of its Solution Station in the UK, the new online tool designed with the goal to help the channel sell additional solutions to their customers and for vendors to promote their latest technologies. The online hub, with its unique solution finder, allows users to quickly and easily search for a technology then presents them with a list of complementary technologies available from Arrow that they can then offer clients. In addition to its search and...

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Chief execs choose South Yorkshire IT specialist

The Academy for Chief Executives has reported a significant increase in efficiency as a direct result of a new, fully remote, IT infrastructure provided by Doncaster based IT specialist, ANEW Solutions.

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Diameter vulnerabilities could lead to sudden failure of ATMs, payment terminals, utility meters,...
Prevalence of breach attempts can be attributed to reliance on cloud as work-from-home era...
By Paul Le Messurier, Programme and Operations Manager at Kroll Ontrack.
Firms need to work smarter rather than harder as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...
$14bn spent acquiring more than 60 Internet of Things-related companies in 2014.
New mobility solutions streamline enterprise mobility management.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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