Nearly half of businesses could go paperless by the end of 2015

Recent results from a survey conducted by document management solutions provider, Margolis have revealed that almost half of businesses either believe they could go paperless by the end of 2015 or already have gone paperless. What the data suggests is that many organizations are now recognising the paperless office as a realistic goal and benchmark for efficiency.

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Almost half of French enterprises plan to increase their ICT budget this year

A new survey from market researcher Kable shows that 46% of French enterprises are planning to increase their ICT budget this year, an increase of 18% from 2014. With the economy in France gradually warming up, French enterprises are investing in newer ICT domains to reap the benefits of technology in a rapidly changing digital marketplace. Kable’s survey shows that almost half (46%) of French enterprises are planning to increase their overall ICT budgets in 2015 – an increase of...

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Privatbanka needed to create a robust server and storage infrastructure to further increase the...
Gartner predicts the security market will continue to evolve alongside new requirements arising...
Nessus vulnerability, configuration, and patch assessment solution now available for AWS customers.
Ambitious plans to transform Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into one of the world’s leading...
New research from analyst firm Kable suggests that highly-publicised government targets to slash...
Check Point adds new capabilities to SandBlast Mobile Solution in response to increased mobile...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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