Study shows technology use and risks outpacing IT audit

Survey results find companies challenged by variety of technology issues, including security, governance and social media.

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Fighting evolving targeted attacks

Symantec bolsters targeted attack protection portfolio with new Disarm technology for Symantec Messaging Gateway, network threat protection for Mac.

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Capgemini is awarded three framework agreements

Capgemini Deutschland GmbH has been awarded three framework agreements with the Data Processing and Information Technology Center (ZIVIT), the internal IT service provider for the Federal Revenue Administration and other federal authorities in Germany. The framework agreements are multi-year deals with a volume of up to 4,840 man-months.

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Blue Coat empowers business with Advanced Threat Protection solution

Blue Coat Systems, Inc. has unveiled the new Blue Coat Advanced Threat Protection solution, which is purpose-built to bridge the gap in security organizations between day-to-day operations, incident containment and resolution. The new solution is the first to deliver a comprehensive Advanced Threat Protection lifecycle defense that fortifies the network by blocking known threats, proactively detecting unknown and already-present malware and automating best practices for incident containment...

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Rapid7 has acquired NT OBJECTives (NTO), the web and mobile application security testing company,...
Security professionals anticipate automation will reduce IT security headcount, but not replace...
Der Musik-Streamingdienst Spotify hat bestätigt, Opfer einer Cyberattacke geworden zu sein....
The Secure Identity Alliance has announced that the German Federal Ministry of the Interior...
BSI, the business standards company, has revised its guidance standard for information security...
Imperva Inc. has released its April Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, "The Non-Advanced...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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