Insiders pose the major threat

Vormetric has announced the results of its 2015 Insider Threat Report (ITR), conducted online on its behalf by Harris Poll and in conjunction with analyst firm Ovum in fall 2014 among 818 IT decision makers in various countries, including 408 in the United States. The report details striking findings around how U.S. and international enterprises perceive security threats, the types of employees considered most dangerous, environments at the greatest risk for data loss and the steps...

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OPSWAT acquires email security provider Red Earth Software

OPSWAT acquires Red Earth Software, extending its advanced threat prevention technology to protect email and file transfer against malware and zero-day attacks.

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Enterprise Immune system chosen for maritime insurance industry

DNK, a major insurance company for the shipping industry, has selected Darktrace’s Enterprise Immune System technology for cutting-edge cyber defense.

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Tufin highlights three key challenges for data centre migration in 2015

Tufin®, the market-leading provider of Security Policy Orchestration solutions, is spearheading a drive to help companies understand and overcome the network and security challenges involved in migrating data centres. The company has outlined three key challenges to effective data centre migration faced by businesses - including application connectivity management, security and compliance - and how these can be overcome with the help of Tufin’s Orchestration Suite.

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The year ahead will see other industries and disciplines adopt software development technology and...
McAfee Labs has released the McAfee Labs Threats Report: August 2014, revealing that phishing...
Through ongoing integration development with RapidFire Tools, Kaseya also announces Kaseya...
Unisys survey shows a nation divided on the question of personal data protection ahead of...
Map highlights all attacks detected by Check Point gateways globally, showing the country of...
IT departments must free themselves from the pressures of tactical necessities before they can be...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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